
Acer Aspire One D255e User Manual Pdf


May 01, 2017  My Aspire one d255e crashed awhile back. Then I got my hands on a linux OS that worked so i thought is this posible with windows. How to reinstall windows 7 on a blank Aspire one d255e. Abstrak268 Posts: 1 Member. Check out our Acer Community User Agreement. Register to get all the benefits of being a member! Get social and introduce.

Acer Aspire One D255 Manual Pdf

View and Download Acer Aspire One AOD250 user manual online. Acer Netbook User Guide. Aspire One AOD250 Laptop pdf manual download. Also for: Aspire one d255, Aspire one 521, Aspire one 533, Aspire one a150, Aspire one d150, Aod250-1580, Lu.s020a.012, Lu.s020a.089, Lu.s030a.096. Aspire one Series User Guide. To notify any person of such revisions or changes. Such changes will be incorporated in new editions of this manual or supplementary documents and publications. Record the model number, serial number, purch ase date and place of purchase information in. Aspire one Series Notebook PC Acer and the Acer logo. Acer Aspire ONE D255E User Manual. Download Operation & user’s manual of Acer Aspire ONE D255E Laptop for Free or View it Online on All-Guides.com. Acer Aspire ONE D255E Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Acer Aspire ONE D255E User Manual. User manual for 2008 dodge durango dvd radio. Aspire All-in-one Computer Covers: All-in-one models (non-touch) This revision: October 2013 Sign up for an Acer ID and enable Acer Remote Files Open the Acer Portal from the Start screen to sign up for an Acer ID or sign in if you already have an Acer ID. There are three great reason for you to get an Acer ID.

Acer Aspire One D255e Specs

FAQ & Answers

Acer Aspire One D255e Manual

  • Accepted Answer

    The 4GB won't work and neither will DDR3.

  • Thank you. That is exactly what I have been looking for. Let you know how it works out.

  • The above advice regarding DDR3 may be correct for some models but not all.

    I've been looking for this information as well. Mine has the N570 1.66GHz processor and came with 1GB DDR3, which I swapped for a 2GB DDR3 module. It must be single-channel AFAIK otherwise it won't get past the POST (no boot) but my hardware info does state that it can support 4GB. Which CPU does yours have?
    In any case, the worst that can happen is that it won't boot with the RAM module; as long as it's mechanically and electrically compatible (same voltage) it is unlikely to cause any damage.
    I'll start a new topic as mine is unlikely to be identical. Actually the sticker states N550 @ 1.5GHz.